Over the last week I have had four posts looking at differences between the Nichiren schools of Buddhism (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4). Today I summarise all of this as I look for which of these schools is carrying the single truth of Nichiren's teachings in these modern times.
In the Human Revolution: Volume 6,
Nichiren’s early life is discussed and his seeking spirit led him to ask the
following questions:
Buddhism was
expounded by only one person, Shakyamuni, but why is it now divided into so many
sects? The truth that this saint
revealed must be a single truth. Then
where is the sect that inherited it?
(Human Revolution: Volume 6, p8)
Nichiren’s studies led him to the Lotus Sutra as the ultimate, correct
and true teaching of Shakyamuni and he used this as the basis of Nichiren
Buddhism as well as leaving behind his writings and various Gohonzon.
There are now many different schools of Nichiren Buddhism, which leads
me to ponder:
Nichiren Buddhism was expounded by only one person, Nichiren, but why is
it now divided into so many schools? The
truth that the Daishonin revealed must be a single truth. Then where is the school that inherited it?
Over the last week I have hopefully covered a lot of these differences,
but today I want to briefly look at why I believe the SGI is the sect that has
inherited this single truth and is the only one carrying the flame of true
Nichiren Buddhism in the world today.
Nikko was appointed as Nichiren’s successor and moved to Taiseki-ji to
start Nichiren Shoshu due to other priests’ slander of Nichiren Buddhism at Mount
Minobu. SGI is a lay group of Nichiren
Shoshu, even though we were excommunicated in 1990s.
Nichiren’s other disciples, believed they were the true successors, and
set up their own individual schools, which over the years have merged into one
school, Nichiren Shu.
All other schools founded since these early days have been as a result
individuals breaking with a traditional (or spin-off)
school to establish a new school of correct practice
individuals new to Buddhism starting a new
independent school of correct practice
Members of an existing school wanting to be a leader,
or believing they should have been a successor, started their own school.
Some of these other schools, include Kempon Hokke Shu, Reiyukai, Rissho Kosei Kai,
Shoshinkai and Kenshokai.
There are three main reasons I think the
Soka Gakkai is the true school of Nichiren Buddhism today.
Firstly, as a believer that Nichiren
named Nikko as his successor, the Taiseki-ji lineage IS the school that inherited Nichiren’s Buddhism. Some later priests have deviated from the
teachings with their own interpretations (as is currently the case) and others
have brought it back to the original teachings, so this lineage may currently
be compromised, but Nichiren Shoshu, of which the SGI is a lay organisation,
WAS the school that inherited the Daishonin’s Buddhism.
Secondly, from my reading of the Lotus
Sutra and the Gosho, and comparing these to the various schools of Nichiren
Buddhism I know, the SGI is one of the few schools today practising in
accordance with the Daishonin’s teachings. It was also one of the only schools that refused to cooperate with the military government's policy, during World War 2, that all Buddhists should enshrine a Shinto talisman within their Butsudan and change their prayers to include ones for the sun god, the emperor and for Japan's victory in combat.
Thirdly, my experiences of practising
Buddhism with the Soka Gakkai International have given me actual concrete proof
that I am following the correct school. Both myself, my wife and my district have all
advanced over the last year (and previous years) and seen real benefits in our
lives, as have many friends from other SGI districts, which is good enough for
Some schools point to last year’s
tsunami, earthquake and nuclear disaster as proof that the SGI is not the
correct method to be following, in the same way that the disasters afflicting
Japan during Nichiren’s time were proof that the four maxims were disturbing
the peace of the land at that time. But while
the population of Soka Gakkai members in Japan is considerably more than
Nichiren’s followers in the 1300s, it’s still less than 10% of the population. It’s a great achievement, but still a long
way off from some Christian and Muslim countries which can have a membership of
70% or more of the population, so there is still a lot of propagation needed,
both within Japan (and the world), before we can truly secure the peace of the
Finally, let’s look at the Japanese
public’s image of the Soka Gakkai over the years. At the end of World War 2, it was seen as an
organisation of the poor, the sick and misfits, and they were made fun of for
their step by step approach to expansion and small meetings in each others
homes, rather than holding flashy rallies like their competitors.
Now, in 2012, the SGI is criticised and
persecuted by some for its political activities and its financial strength, and
despite only representing a small percent of the Japanese population, it is
seen as a strong and powerful organisation that the public should be afraid of.
Surely this fact alone - a small
organisation of sick and poor people, growing into a much larger organisation
of strong, powerful and financial secure members over the last sixty-five years
- is proof that the SGI members and the SGI as a whole has benefitted from being
the true Nichiren Buddhism school in the world today.
Shakyamuni said “Believe nothing, … not
even if I have said it” so as well as reading the Gosho and studying Buddhism
for yourself, investigate some of the other Nichiren Schools and find out what
they believe in, how they practice and what benefits or proof their members
have received.
My study has led me to the realization that the Soka Gakkai International is the true school of Nichiren Buddhism, but that is only my belief and it agrees with my common sense and reason and is supported by my actual proof as an SGI member.
If your studies lead you to think that one of the other schools is the
true school of Nichiren Buddhism, then feel free to follow them instead.