Monday 23 April 2012


One of the key points of the Lotus Sutra is that everyone of us, no matter what gender, what social class, what ethnicity or what sexual preference is a BUDDHA. 

This can be really difficult to believe especially when you are suffering and going through hardships, and even Shakyamuni Buddha explains in the Lotus Sutra ... "The door to this wisdom is difficult to understand and difficult to enter."

But, whether you believe it or not, You ARE a Buddha in the making. 

The only thing harder than believing in the concept that "We are all Buddhas" is changing some of our deep seated beliefs about ourselves and the world.

I used to believe in Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy. 
After watching Jaws when he was eight, my step-brother used to believe there was a shark in his closet.
When I was ten, I used to think the idea of kissing girls was disgusting.

I’m sure some of you had similar beliefs, and like me, as you grew up, you realized that none of these were true.  I did and my life is certainly better for it – especially the one about kissing girls!

But for some reason there are lots of other equally ridiculous beliefs that we hold on to as adults:

“Life should be fair”
“Other people are to blame for my suffering”

“Everything always happens to me”
"I'm so useless at everything"

None of these negative beliefs help us in our lives, but we still cling to them like security blankets.  Even when I first learnt that Father Christmas wasn’t real I still held on to the belief just in case I didn’t get any presents! 

Think of a ridiculous belief that you have about your ability or the situation you are in.
Think to yourself: "How will I take control of my life if this isn't true?"

How will I take control of my life, if other people aren't to blame for my suffering?
How will I take control of my life, if I am not useless at everything?
How will I take control of my life, if I make more time for the important things?

Think of the potential YOU have WITHIN you to improve your current situation.

Base your life on the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin and the power of “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo”.

Truly believe with your whole being that "YOU HAVE THE BUDDHA POTENTIAL" and truly appreciate the BUDDHA NATURE in others.

BONUS QUOTE from President Ikeda

If somewhere in your heart you have decided "I alone am incapable of becoming happy", "Only I cannot become a capable person" or "Only my sufferings will forever remain unsolved," then that one factor of your mind or determination will obstruct your benefit.

The extent to which we can receive and use the vast, profound joy derived from the Law depends entirely on our faith.  Will we take only a small cup of water from the ocean, or will we fill up a large swimming pool?

(Learning from the Gosho, p240)

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