Wednesday 4 April 2012

Ten Major Writings

Nichiren Daishonin’s successor Nikko Shonin spent his life collating the writings of Nichiren Daishonin in a book called the Gosho – the Collected Writings of Nichiren Daishonin.  Some of these were letters to individual followers and some were treaties for general publication.  In addition to collecting together the various writings, Nikko Shonin also declared that the following were the 10 most important writings.  Here they are listed in chronological order of when they were written.

1.     On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land     (WND1, 6-32)
2.     On Reciting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra                           (WND2, 211-238)
3.     The Opening of the Eyes                                                            (WND1, 220-298)
4.     The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind                  (WND1, 354-382)
5.     Choosing the Heart of the Lotus Sutra                                     (WND2, 481-494)
6.     The Selection of the Time                                                         (WND1, 538-594)
7.     On Repaying Debts of Gratitude                                             (WND1, 690-745)
8.     Letter to Shimoyama                                                                  (WND2, 684-718)
9.     On the Four Stages of Faith and Five Stages of Practice      (WND1, 783-793)
10.  Questions and Answers on the Object of the Devotion      (WND2, 787-801)

He also made a list of the five major writings which are indicated above in bold.
WND is "The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin" Volume 1 or 2.

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