Saturday 9 March 2013


One of the greatest attitudes we can have as Nichiren Buddhists is gratitude:  gratitude to Nichiren Daishonin, gratitude to the Gohonzon, gratitude to our practice and "Gratitude no matter what!".

Enjoy What There Is To Enjoy

Many people give praise to the Gohonzon if they are involved in a serious accident and only sustain slight injuries, but if they return home from an uneventful day at work safe and sound will complain “Nothing good happened today”.  Similarly, a quick recovery from an illness is seen as a benefit, whereas a long period of good health is barely noticed. 

It seems that some of us only thank the Gohonzon if we are involved in an accident, become sick or overcome another difficulty, when surely the greater benefit, and the thing we should be most grateful for, is to not encounter any of these misfortunes at all.

Suffer What There Is To Suffer

In the postscript to the Gosho “On Polished Wheat”, Nichiren encourages Nanjo Tokimitsu to have a positive attitude to his troubles: “Whatever happens… you must not despair. … If things should not go as you wish … then determine to be more contented than ever.”  (WND-2, p576) 

Can we really be grateful if the worst happens?  I think we can.  Rather than blaming ourselves or others if things don’t turn out as we’d like or if we face obstacles, we should embrace the situation and focus on “What can I do to make the most of this opportunity?” or “How can I turn this poison into medicine?”  We don’t necessarily need to have the answer at that moment.  We just need to chant "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" as “earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood” (WND-1, p444) and take action based on our Buddha wisdom.

Winning in our lives, through our faith in Nichiren Buddhism, is not the absence of problems, but being happy and hopeful despite them.  If we can engrave an attitude of “Gratitude no matter what” in our hearts, and chant with a determination to find the benefit in any situation, we can achieve the same high life state, and enjoy the same absolute happiness, that Nichiren Daishonin did.

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